Burnout Series for first time in the present through the PC game title Burnout Paradise. Thanks to the effect that the details of damage, so this game exciting event for the damage to the car.
The whole story in this game takes place in the fictional city called Paradise City. No wonder then if this game starts with songs from the legendary band Guns' N Roses Paradise City is entitled.
Various places in Paradise City disulap can also be racing area. Start from the road, the train station, to the hills of the hairpin curve.
Well, the action feels more heat up the race when all the players try to throw each other. Effect of damage incurred when a car collide each other or other objects into any look very detailed.
Burnout Paradise has around 70 types of cars with the name of fiction that can be used. Cars are divided by the 3 categories based on the ability of Speed, Stunt and Aggression. In addition to the car, this game also has a motor that can be used only when using the motor control senyaman when not using the car.
Various Types of Games
As a big city, Paradise City offers several types of races that can be played, such as:
Race: The type of racing is the same as the type of racing in general, only players compete to achieve the rapid point-point.
Road Rage: Here the players will be given a number of the target vehicle must be limited in time.
Marked Man: Reaching a certain point with the survivors, that is the core of this game mode where players will dihadang by several cars. The total destruction of the car will torpedo the mission is executed.
Stunt Run: Further to the driving style rather than speed. In this mode players must perform some action such as driving Drifting, jumps and various other unique movement.
Burning Route: The route will require that you run a certain type of vehicle. Players will compete with the time to win device that can be used in a car used in this mode, such as get extra booster, improve engine or vehicle body get stronger.
Unlike the console version
Burnout Paradise The Ultimate Box has a graphic quality that is very good, this can be perceived when detikINET play this game with high resolution, and tekture animation looks so perfect. Moreover, supported by the effect of undoing the detail, make EA a little treat for the disappointment in Need for Speed series.
Unlike the console version, additional title of "The Ultimate Box" on the PC version has some additional games that can be played online. In addition, Criterion Games menambakan also a browser that can be used to download the latest patch, or buy the Expansion Packs through their online store.
+ The effect destroyed the very detail.
+ No need VGA hig-end to enjoy the details.
+ There are many types of vehicles and racing
- Greatest motor that is not convenient
Title: Burnout Paradise The Ultimate Box
Developer: Critereon Publisher: Electronic Arts
Platform: PC (Source: Detik)